Dear Near-Sighted,

Sometimes life requires us to slow down and take things one day at a time. Sometimes it even requires one hour at a time. As the overwhelming circumstances of life pile on our backs and worry, pain, and fear drown our hearts, you stoop over underneath the weight of your burdens. Your head is brought low because all you can do in this moment is one foot in front of the other.

It is too painful and scary to try and look ahead, or look upwards. You beat your hardships over the head with well meaning but useless cliches. Your very breath becomes difficult. You lie awake at night, unable to sleep. And perhaps even in those moment, you are wondering how “for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”(Romans 8:28) Because to be honest, things right now do not seem, feel, or look good. I

But you, we as a human race, are so near-sighted. So put on the glasses of faith and correct your vision. Gain the ability to see far-sighted.

View His fulfilled promises in your past. Remember the times when you thought you were so very alone, but found that rather, you were surrounded by the very presence of God. Look into the pages of your bible. Rest in the promises of God. Turn your eyes forward, and look into the face of Christ. And even though your eyes cannot seem to see more than these present surroundings, faith will allow you to see the greater picture.

One day, perhaps in a month or ten years or when you reach the golden shore, you will turn around and all the sudden you will be blown away. The pieces will fall together. And you will see where God’s goodness and love touched every single detail. His providence, provision, grace, mercy , and love will be so evident. And oh! How beautiful and good it will be.

So look up, near-sighted. Look up with the eyes of faith and cling to the promises of God. Although you cannot see what God is doing right now in the midst of the battle, do not doubt that He is orchestrating each detail. And one day, the smoke will clear, and it will all make sense.

With love,


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